Installation of Iscope Multi-Head at the Veterinary Clinic Hospital in Barcelona

Instalación de Iscope Multi-Cabezal en el Hospital Clínic Veterinario de Barcelona

Installation of the Iscope microscope with 9 heads at the Hospital Clínic Veterinario in Barcelona

Veterinary students are starting the new academic year with the addition of a nine-head microscope, recently installed at the Hospital Clínic Veterinari in Barcelona.

This hospital, belonging to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), is a reference centre for veterinary care, specialising in the care of companion animals. It offers advanced diagnostic, treatment and surgery services in various areas of veterinary medicine. In addition to its outstanding clinical work, the Hospital Clínic Veterinari is essential for the practical training of veterinary students and research in animal health, contributing to the progress of veterinary medicine both locally and internationally.

iScope - A masterpiece of microscopy

The iScope is available in several configurations suitable for routine observations in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, in colleges and universities.

In addition to brightfield observation, iScope offers solutions for phase contrast, polarization, darkfield up to 400x, cardioid condenser darkfield (1000x) and Epi-fluorescence observation. For training, iScope also offers multi-head models.