25 Microscopy preparations of Botany, Zoology and Human Histology
Delivered in a plastic box for 25 preparations.
SH.1006 Rabbit Elastic Cartilage
SH.1040 Smooth muscle, rib preparation, rabbit, lscs
SH.1110 Rabbit lung with injected blood vessels, cs
SH.1130 Rabbit artery and vein, cs
SH.1410 Rabbit nerve, cs and ls
SZ.1535 Euglena virides,
SZ.1586 Hydra, wm of tentacles
SZ.1620 Schistosoma Japonicum, female, wm
SZ.1705 Apis mellifica, honey bee, hind leg, wm
SZ.1733 Pieres brassicae, Cabbage white butterfly, part of wing
SZ.1738 Locusta, grasshopper, mouth parts, wm
SZ.1780 Insect Legs - Honey Bee, House Fly, House Mosquito, Spider
SZ.1877 Frog Blood sp,
SB.2011 Corn, Zea mays, root with hairs, longitudinal section
SB.2020 Sunflower, Helianthus, old root, cross section
SB.2025 Corn and sunflower, mono and dicotyledonous, root, cross section
SB.2040 Potato, Solanum, starch cells
SB.2075 Linden, Tilia, one-year-old stem, cross section
SB.2091 Ceratophyllum demersum, leaf with stomata, cross section
SB.2100 Geranium, Pelargonium hortorum, stem, cross section
SB.2337 Mnie, Mnium, anthéridies, longitudinal coupe
SB.2339 Mnie, Mnium, archégonus, longitudinal coupe
SB.2373 Coprin, coprinus, hat, cross section
SB.2380 Spirogyra sp., in conjunction
SB.2420 3 types of bacteria, cokes, bacilli and spirilla