25 Microscopy preparations of Botany, Zoology and Human Histology
Delivered in a plastic box for 25 preparations.
Human and mammalian histology
SH.1072 Human scalp with hair roots
SH.1150 Human blood, Giemsa stain
SH.1415 Rabbit motor nerve cells with motor platelets
SH.1470 Flavor bud, papillae, rabbit, longitudinal section
SZ.1520 Paramecia, Paramecium
SZ.1535 Flagellates, Euglena viridis
SZ.1580 Water Hydra, Hydra, with buds
SZ.1630 Tapeworm, Taenia, developed progottis
SZ.1635 Horse roundworm, Ascaris megalocephala, male and female, cross section
SZ.1640 earthworm, lumbricus, cross section
SZ.1655 Water flea, Daphnia sp.
SZ.1705 Honeybee, Apis mellifica, hind leg
SZ.1710 Bee, Apis mellifica, faceted eye
SZ.1719 Housefly, Musca domestica, wing
SZ.1722 Mosquito, Culex pipiens, female mouthparts
SZ.1724 Drosophila, giant chromosomes, salivary gland
SB.2009 Onion, Allium cepa, tip of an Allium root, mitosis. longitudinal section
SB.2055 Corn, Zea maïs, stem, cross section
SB.2075 Tilleul, Tilia, one-year-old stem, cross section
SB.2100 Geranium, Pelargonium hortorum, stem, cross section
SB.2112 Carabaza, Cucurbita, stem, cross section
SB.2130 Sunflower, Helianthus, leaf, cross section
SB.2135 Oleander, Nerium oleander, leaf with stomata, cross section
SB.2210 Lily, Lilium, anthers with developed pollen, cross section
SB.2225 Corn, Zea maize, grain with embryo, longitudinal section